5 Needs of the hour for Indian Private Sectors & MSMEs


Indian Private sectors & MSMEs are clearly adopting a cautious approach and waiting for demand to revive. This points to the fact that we must build the road to recovery for the MSME industry on much more than just depending on any financial stimulus


It is the right time to take a detailed look at what needs to be done to make this sector more productive & competitive on an inter-continental plane and Africa- India  in particular


It is the right time to take a detailed look at what needs to be done to make this sector more productive & competitive on an inter-continental plane and Africa- India  in particular


Most Indian Private sectors & MSMEs, however, are still grappling with a lack of competitiveness, especially when compared to global counterparts


The issue is structural – our MSMEs are not becoming larger in scale, with 99% of the estimated 50 million in India continuing to be micro-small enterprises through their life cycle, with limited means and aspirations

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